Portslade community activities

Free Portslade history walks for 2025 


South Portslade tour. May 6th (Tuesday). 6pm to 7.30pm 

Stroll around south Portslade from the station, via old brickfields, orchards and coal yards, down to the harbourside and returning to the station via a windmill’s site and a farmyard. Led by Dr Geoffrey Mead. 


Rich Portslade. May 17th 10am to 11am 

Multi-millionaires, extravagant mansions, scandal and tragedy. A stroll back to medieval times and through to the Victorian era when Portslade was the playground of the rich. 


Portslade Old Village conservation area. May 21st at 11am to midday 

Farming, brewery, pubs, wealthy residents, convent and a medieval manor house. Join us for 1000 years of history in a one-mile walk. Led by Trevor Povey. 


Easthill Park tour. July 5th. 10am to 11am 

Once a private home and garden to a wealthy Victorian family, Easthill Park has seen storms, spitfire fights and famous residents. Led by John Shepherd. 



To book your free space, and full details of meeting points, please email: freshstartsussex@hotmail.co.uk  

Free history talks for 2025 

The planned German invasion of Portslade. May 24th at 10am 

The German high command had their eye on our Gas works and infrastructure. The German 9th Panzer army was tasked with invading our little part of dear old England, including taking over the gas works. Talk includes hands-on holding of war memorabilia, including rifles. Led by Zac Down 


Portslade in isolation – history of Foredown hospital and infectious diseases.  May 31st at 11am.  

Ever wondered what Foredown Tower was used for? The history of Foredown Hospital and how it was in the front line of tackling epidemics in the 19th & 20 centuries. Led by Trevor Povey 


Egypt – Art and the dead  June 7th at 10am.  

The lecture will examine the art work and meaning of a specific tomb on the west bank at Luxor. Led by Pete Tolhurst, Brighton Archaeological Society 


Brighton rock, Brighton crime. June 14th at 10am 

“Brighton, like all seaside resorts, has a double face, one of glitz, glamour and fun, but also one of criminality and dark deeds. Graham Greene’s ‘Brighton Rock’ in 1938 showed that face as did the 1947 film starring Richard Attenborough. This talk looks at some of the historic background to the seamier side of Brighton and Hove…and Portslade!” Led by Dr Geoffrey Mead 

Naughty boys – A second chance. June 21st at 11am  

Many will remember the ‘naughty boys school’, perched on top of the west hill. The history of Portslade Industrial School, its activities and what went on behind closed doors. Led by Trevor Povey 


Medieval cookery demonstration. Feast like a Lord, scavenge like a pauper. June 28th at midday 

Was a peasants diet that bad? Did Lords just dine on venison? A talk and tasting of medieval food. This event is part of the Emmaus summer fair and the manor open day, so loads to do. Led by Baldrick 

Using Ancestry to research your family tree. July 19th at 10am 

Using Ancestry can be confusing and frustrating. This one-hour course will set you on your way with simple tips and research techniques to trace your family tree or house history on Ancestry, plus other on-line resources. Led by Amber Shepherd, local amateur history researcher 


Visit and tour of The Keep county historical archives. July 12th at 10am 

If you are new to history research, or even a seasoned campaigner, this backstage tour of the county archives will inspire you to dig deeper. Led by Suzanne Rose, University of Sussex. 


To book your free space and further details on locations, please email:  


Portslade History Day 2025

Saturday, September 6th - details to appear here later in the year

Portslade history walks and talks for 2025

Details and dates for our 2025 programme will appear here in April

Portslade history projects and education for 2025

Details of our community training and engagement programme will appear here in April

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